
Friday, 8 March 2013

get to know me better

I love cooking, I cook for myself and my boyfriend. He loves my cooking, he cant go a day without. Sometimes I invite friends over for a dinner party, we have good times. below is my conservative little flat where I share memories with people I love.

This is my small conservative flat. its nothing much but I enjoy spending time alone here.

I like TV 

When I'm bored, I play my son's PlayStation

I absolutely love reading, Its one of my fav things in the world

one of many diners

I eat healthy whenever I can

my special beef curry my bf loves so much

I stock Booze :-) whenever I can

I eat health, well Sometimes

I love hosting the ladies, I love cooking , preparing cocktails and sharing a fine bottle of wine with friends, this is one of many dinner parties I have hosted in my house. from left - Busi, Myself, Thembelihle and Lungi. 


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